Facebook Memories Launched As An Expansion Of Other Facebook Features

Social networking company Facebook has started a new dedicated page called Memories. Facebook Memories will keep a user’s moments shared with family and friends over the course of time.

Facebook Memories

It will comprise posts and photos, friends made and important life events. The page is an expansion of Facebook features. For example “On This Day”.

On Monday, Oren Hod (Product Manager at Facebook) said in a blog post, “Every day more than 90 million people use ‘On This Day’ to reminisce about these moments they have shared on Facebook”.

It will have many sections too.

It will have a “Friends Made On This Day” section. This will consist of a list of friends you made on this date in the past. It will include special videos or collages.

The “Recaps of Memories” section will comprise of seasonal or monthly recaps of memories merged into a message or short video.

Meanwhile, the “Memories You May Have Missed” section will display posts that a user might not have seen from the past week.

Hod also mentioned, “You can still access your memories through the ‘Memories’ bookmark either to the left of your News Feed on your computer or in the ‘more’ tab on the bottom right of your mobile app”.

Other Developments

The Mark Zuckerberg-led company has revealed to The Associated Press that it will be closing down its Facebook trending news section since its inception four years ago. The company thinks that it is outdated. They also feel that it is unpopular.

The Facebook trending news section was also error-prone with issues related to fake news and other instances. Limitations in AI was also a drawback.

The company is now experimenting with new features like breaking news label. Publishers can add it to stories to stand out against the chatter. The board also thinks that local news should be more available.

In an interview ahead of the announcement, Facebook’s head of news products, Alex Hardiman, said the company is still committed to breaking and real-time news. But instead of having Facebook’s moderators, human or otherwise, make editorial decisions, there’s been a subtle shift to let news organizations do so.

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Facebook Memories Launched As An Expansion Of Other Facebook Features
Social networking company Facebook has started a new dedicated page called Memories. Facebook Memories will keep a user's moments shared with family and friends over the course of time.