How To Fix / Avoid Overheating Of Your Smartphone

Ever faced a situation when your smartphone got heated up? If your answer is yes, then don’t be shy to admit it. The issue of smartphones getting heated up is very common nowadays.

While gaming and heavy usage are more likely to cause heating, there are some users who experience smartphone heating even with normal usage. If you are also facing the same trouble, then we are here to help you! In this post, we will help you avoid overheating of smartphone. Read on to find out 10 simple tips which you can follow to fix or avoid overheating of your smartphone.

How To Avoid Overheating Of Your Smartphone

Here are 10 essential tips to fix / avoid overheating of smartphones:

1. Delete Unwanted Apps

We download many apps on our smartphones and after few times of use, we forget that they even exist in our smartphones. What they do is just eat up storage. You should remove all those apps from your device. Check your phone regularly to remove such unwanted apps.

2. Don’t Play Games / Watch Videos While Charging

Most of us have a poor habit of using smartphones heavily for gaming or streaming videos while it is charging. It is advisable to let the phone charge completely first and then to start with gaming or video watching. Use of smartphone while charging will not only rise its temperature but also it will have a severe affect on your phone’s battery life.

3. Close Background Apps

Even if your smartphone is locked, some apps running in the background keep it active. These apps put load on smartphone’s processors. Once you are done using an app, make sure you exit the app by closing it and not by leaving it run in the background.

4. Replace Old / Non-Genuine Battery

If your smartphone’s battery has become old enough and creating troubles, then you should not wait to replace it. Old and non-genuine batteries could prove to be dangerous.

5. Disable Unwanted Functions such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, location services

Most of the functions on our smartphones like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Location services and more are always on, no matter we are using them or not. Make it a practice to disable such unused functions to relieve your smartphone from excessive load.

6. Update You Smartphone

Updates sometimes come with bugs and fixes for heating issues. Keep a check on what updates your smartphone receives and keep it updated on timely basis.

7. Prolonged Use Of 4G / 3G Services & Gaming

Most users buy smartphones for gaming or social networking. What is the use of a smartphone if you can’t do what you bought it for? We are not asking you to restrict playing games. Instead you should take breaks while playing games or browsing internet if you experience heating. Even if you don’t face heating issues, it is advisable to not to use smartphone after 20-25 minutes of heavy and prolonged usage.

8. Original Charger or Supported Third Party Charger

Always use original chargers and other genuine accessories for your smartphone. It is a wise practice to use the charger which comes along in the packaging. If you don’t have the original charger, then you should buy the charger from a trusted source. Using fake or duplicate charger might result in damage to your smartphone and its battery.

9. Don’t Leave In Hot Places

I remember when I left my iPhone in car’s dashboard for an hour during summer season. When I came back, my iPhone showed me a warning that it is overheated and I should wait till it cools down. Avoid keeping your smartphones at such places which you think might lead to rise in its temperature.

10. Service Center

If none of the tips mentioned above works, then it’s time to take your smartphone to a service center and get it checked for fault.

How To Fix Overheating Of Your Smartphone

Here are some tips you can follow to cool down your smartphone:

1. Remove It From Charging

If the temperature of your smartphone rises abruptly while charging, remove it from charging and place it on a table to cool down.

2. Don’t Use It

Don’t use your smartphone if it is overheated and let it cool down.

3. Remove Cover

If you keep your smartphone in a case or cover, just remove it as soon as you realize that it is overheated.

Overheating of smartphone, besides rising the temperature of the phone, also results in poor functioning of the phone. The performance of the phone is affected and its starts to stutter and lag. If you don’t want your smartphone to be overheated, then you must start following the tips mentioned above.

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