Jawbone Up 3 Review With Video

Jawbone announced the launch of Jawbone UP series of activity trackers in the Indian market back in September 2015. Among a bunch of Jawbone Up activity trackers launched, a wearable that draws our attention is the Jawbone Up 3 fitness tracker. Priced at Rs. 14,999, it is available to buy in India.

With innumerable fitness trackers crowding the Indian market, what distinctive features does the Up 3 has to offer? What makes it different from the other wearables? Lets’s find out in our review. Read on to find out Jawbone Up 3 review [with video] entailing details on its design and features.

On design front, it is a lightweight and sleek wearable that comfortably fits around wrist. It comes with an adjustable rubberised band.

A metal clamp has been provided that buckles up and makes sure that it doesn’t fall from user’s wrist while sleeping or working out.

There are few sensors on the back of the rubbesrised band which make sure you get as accurate fitness insights as possible.

The Up 3 is compatible with iOS and Android smartphones. In order to use this band, you just need to download the Up app on your smartphone. The Up app can be downloaded from Apple store or Google Play store for free. The Up 3 syncs wirelessly (via Bluetooth) with the Up app on your smartphone and gives you insights into your fitness.

It records daily activities of the users and shows them in a timeline on the app with a series of trends and graphs.

The jawbone Up 3 monitors your steps taken, active and passive heart rates throughout the day. Besides tracking total sleep duration, it tells duration for REM sleep, deep sleep and light sleep.  It also tracks calories burnt depending on the steps you have taken.

There are three LED lights present on the wearable which tell whether the device is in sleep mode or activity mode. Blue light is for sleep mode and orange is for activity mode. The white LED blinks up when you receive notification from UP app on your phone. What we found disappointing is that there is no display and you will have to launch the Up app every time you need to check your fitness status.

Users can set up Smart alarm and idle alarm. If you are not a morning person, then you can set Smart alarm which means the Up 3 band on your wrist will vibrate at the pre-set time to wake you up from sleep. You can also set idle alarm, such that the wearable will vibrate when you are idle for specified period of time.

You can also log what you are eating and the app will calculate your calorie intake.

An interesting feature on this band is smart coach feature that analyses user’s fitness data and gives advice on how to improve or become better. It gives you tips on various topics ranging from- how almonds can help relax muscles to what food items are good for heart.

The battery life of Up 3 is impressive. It comes with a USB charger and the battery lasts up to 7 days on single charge.

Another disappointment is that there is no display. It does not display time, nor does it alert you when you receive calls, messages or e-mails on synced smartphone. Heart rate monitoring is also not continuous.


The Jawbone UP 3 is a stylish wearable that accurately tells the users about steps taken, heart rate and sleep while motivating them to become better. The battery life of this band is also impressive. But there are few drawbacks like the company could have provided a display. It also does not alert you when you receive calls or messages on your synced smartphone. Considering the drawbacks and price, the Jawbone Up 3 may seem pricey but it is certainly a value for money device if you are looking for a device that solely concentrates on your fitness and motivates you to become better.

Jawbone Up 3 Video Review

‘Coming Soon’

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