Yahoo mail once being the most popular mailing service now stands at the ground when it comes to comparing with features and services. To be honest Gmail and Outlook are far ahead. We have seen few improvements at Yahoo Inc. after Marissa Mayer joined the company as CEO. Last year Yahoo! mail got a fresh new look along with improved Android and iOS applications and even the homepage was revamped. If you guys know that before 2nd April 2013 Yahoo! mail was not providing any cloud servies alike Gmail’s Drive or Outlook’s SkyDrive. They don’t have any cloud service of their own till date. Now this year recently they have partnered with Dropbox to provide cloud services to their patrons around the globe who still survive on Yahoo!

Dropbox is a very popular cloud service that has been and is partnership with popular agents like Samsung to provide cloud storage to their customers. Earlier if anyone noticed yahoo mail or any mail service per se can only support mail attachments upto 25 megabytes. This has been the standard and is the standard till date. If anyone wants to attach anything of size beyond 25 megabytes then he needs to use cloud storage. The cloud storage not necessarily needs to be of the same provider that of mailing service. You can share the link of the file in the mail and send but it is always better if the mailing service provides this facility itself as an accessbility feature for those who don’t know about what and how to do this stuff. I am sure most of us will be familiar with Dropbox, if not just hit and register for a new account. Both the new and the old customers need to authorize their accounts with Yahoo to use this service.

So now if you have mail attachments more than 25 megabytes Yahoo Mail can serve as an option if you rely on them. This also means that the mails having attachments can be viewed online the same way as on Gmail and Outlook with the only difference that they use the attachments get redirected to their cloud services and here it will be redirected to Dropbox. This also means that this will be free up some hard disk space on our machines that were earlier occupied with small documents and no files will be hosted on Yahoo servers but you always have the option to save it to your drive in case anyone wants to. The integration with Dropbox is available globally starting 2nd April 2013 in Yahoo! Mail for Web in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. This surely is a positive step for Yahoo to stay alive. Let’s see what all things they bring in future.
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