Some Less Known Facts And Features Of Adaptxt Keyboard For Android

Many of new Android users have a common complaint related to the typing experience on a touch screen android device, whether it’s a smartphone or a tablet. This problem is even more common with users who migrate from iOS to Android. Since the touch and typing experience of almost every android phone is different from the other because of screen size, touch keyboard size and moreover there are changes done to keyboard by many phone makers. This disparity on input patterns leads to troubles for many users and they look for a more convenient and more ergonomic keyboard experience on their android tabs and phones. We recently tested Adaptxt and also met with the top management of the Adaptxt in India to get some insights into the features of the special keyboard or should we say input solutions provider.

In this article, we talk about some of the less known features of adaptxt and a sneak peek into what to expect from adaptxt in future. Lets talk first about some of the existing useful and less known features:

Adaptxt learns from you: Adaptxt as the name suggest adapts to your needs and tries to remember and understand the words you use frequently and will suggest the same words to you when you start typing some of the commonly used words which you use.

Adaptxt offers profession specific keyboards:  If you are a doctor or a lawyer or attorney  and use certain kind of words very often, you can set adaptxt to use dictionaries as per your profession like there is a medical dictionary with medical terms which can make your typing much more predictive and faster. There are 35+ such profession specific keyboard dictionaries on the offer.

Adaptxt keyboard background can also be customized: You can select a theme or even change the keyboard background based on occasion themes, you can also add pictures in background and do a lot more like changing the colour etc. as per your preference.

Adaptxt offers 90+ Languages Support: If you are not very comfortable using English keyboard and want to use your local language on your phone, adaptxt allows use of 90+ languages which you can download and communicate in many languages as well as transliterated languages.

Adaptxt working on continuous input: If you are a big fan of continuous input keyboards, you will be happy to know that Adaptxt is also working on this feature and it will be rolled out soon.

Adaptxt is more ergonomic: There is a team of 40+ linguists who work on Adaptxt software, so they are working hard to make it more human centric and more easy to use like the split keyboard on tablets makes it much easier to use. There are many other intricacies which help make them easier to use.

There are both free and paid version of the Adaptxt you can download from Google Play Store for both Smartphones and Tablets.