What is it?
Google introduces a new feature G+ sign-in to applications. They are calling it Application sign-in. It allow you to sign-in to apps available on Android, iOS or the web. Its simple and secure. For developers it allow you these languages-
How it works?
Its kind of 2- Step verification type phenomenon used while signing in to Gmail. When you visit websites like Fancy they ask you to sign-in. Then a box appear whether you want to sign-up through Facebook or Google+. So when you click on sign-up through Google+ then a screen appears which asks you to enter your Google account credentials like username and password. After entering these values it send you to this screen-
It asks you to accept that you want to share your Google plus credentials to this app.
It allows you to share your content to public, only me or a particular circle. After accepting all these things it let you sign-up to that website. Google+ Sign-In has protections and safeguards so you don’t have to worry that one can stole your credential.
When you sign-in to particular website and that website have a app on android, ios, windows or etc then you can directly send a link to your mobile device. So you can install that app on your mobile or tablet. The most important and good thing with Google + sign-in is that only with one simple account you can easily sync your data to every device.
Sharing is Good
When you share a video or photo then your friend will see a new kind of stuff to their Google+ stream. When they click on it, it sends them to inside the app where they can buy, review and share.
This feature of signing-in through your Google+ account is easy to use but still its progressive stage.
Previously websites like Fitbit, Fancy, Beautylish, OpenTable, Flixster, USA Today, The Guardian, Tunein, Banjo, Shazam are using google sign in to their websites.