How To Avoid Spam On Android Smartphones

Over the last few iterations, Google has curtailed many annoying functions of Android apps. Still, many smartphone applications continue to spam in various ways. The display in such apps is often covered with ads. Often gameplay is also interrupted. To fair, many apps make money off these advertisements. However, if you accidentally click on it, the browser opens to some advertiser’s site or links to download another app. This can cause quite a ruckus if you hand over the phone to a kid or keep it unlocked in your pocket. You can always purchase some of the paid apps to avoid such interruptions. Still, some apps give you notifications and alerts when you’re not playing the game. Lets us help you stop these annoying spam ads on your devices. Read more to find How To Avoid Spam On Android Smartphones/ Tablets

Remove Spamming Apps

This is an obvious solution. You can use ad blocking software like AirPush Detector or Addons Detector or Lookout Ad Network Detector to find apps attached to known spamming ad networks. Ideally, you can uninstall such applications and use safer alternatives. There are many open source and add-free alternative for almost everything.

Make sure you check ratings and reviews of the ad blocker too. Some ad blockers also require you to root your phone, which is not ideal.

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Control Push Notification Ads

Push notifications of Push alerts often subvert the useful Android functionality. Some of these appear even while you aren’t actively using the app. This generally happens because an app is running in the background and checks for updates. While you need to know about new emails and messages, this is not applicable to all app activities.

Some Push notifications can be used to try and sell you products you don’t necessarily want. Some of these might launch a process that might lead you to sign up for a paid service. You can avoid such spam by blocking push notification permission to unnecessary apps. Just go to Settings > Sound & notification > App notifications. Every app is listed here. You can manually decide if you want to turn notifications off by toggling the Block option. You can also use the Priority option to ensure that certain notifications gravitate to the top.

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Avoid Icon Spam Ads

While this spam is banned on Google Play, you might run into it if you install older versions of apps from a third-party app store. How this works is that, an ad that shows up on your home screen as if you downloaded it. These ads may show many malicious links. This happens because an app you’ve manually downloaded is tied to an ad network that makes spammy icons appear on your desktop. You can either manually delete such notifications or delete the app causing the problems. You can use the above-mentioned ad blocker to find the culprit.