New Facebook Chat update let you know Friend’s platform Web or Mobile

We told you previously about the New look of Facebook Messenger app that has so many new customization. This new look of the app let you know that your friends are online through web of mobile. Now this time after changing the look of newsfeed Facebook is trying to add something new in web chat window too. As reported by Techlomedia  Facebook is testing a new feature on desktop chat that let you know the platform of your friends. Previously, while chatting,  we saw a line in chat like “sent from Web” or “sent from Mobile” in the chat box.  But now Facebook will display Web/mobile in the right front of the name. If your friend is online from mobile app it will shows MOBILE and if your friend is online from web it will shows WEB. Currently this feature is only available for few lucky users although it is little bit buggy. But still it will be helpful for users.

In an update the Techlomedia says that this feature is not working fine for users. It is notifying that user is online via web but in the chat box it says that the user  sent the message from mobile. But that does not matter because the Facebook is not released this update officially and once they do this little update will reach soon to everyone and it will not be a buggy.

Facebook confirmed this new update to Techcrunch and said “we are testing a feature that gives you a better understanding of where your friend will receive your message and we would keep you posted on when and if it rolls more broadly”

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