Microsoft Lumia 950 XL Productivity Features [With Video]

Microsoft launched its Lumia 950 XL in India in November 2015. The phone comes with commendable build quality, very capable camera, powerful configuration, great camera combination, massive battery, Hello biometric system and more.

But where does this device stand on productivity front? What productivity features does it offer to users? Let’s find out answers to all these questions in this post. Read on to find out Microsoft Lumia 950 XL productivity features in detail (with video).

The Lumia 950 XL, in our opinion, has 4P appeal- it has Portability of a Phone with Productivity of a PCThe Windows 10 running 950 XL supports Continuum feature which lets users turn the Lumia 950 XL phone into a PC-like experience using Microsoft display dock which is an optional accessory. The dock has several connectivity ports – two display port, multiple USB ports and a port to charge the phone. The connectivity ports can be used to connect it to an external display, keyboard and mouse. Users can connect the accessory to power as well as to the phone to use it like a PC. Using an HDMI output display, it can be connected to a monitor to use it like a PC.

Once the phone is connected, to launch an app, simply go to the Start menu and click on the app, in the same way as you do on a regular PC. It will not deliver a full Windows 10 PC experience, it will however, be almost like PC since it runs same universal apps. Those apps which have the ability to scale them according to display size, will work fine with this phone. The functionality of such apps, content etc. won’t change. What will change, is the way the app is displayed. Users can run the app on one device at a time- either on the phone or on the connected display.

The Continuum feature on Lumia 950 XL, lets you do productivity work with ease. Users can perform productivity work on the connected monitor and still can use the phone for other tasks like making calls, viewing and replying to messages. For those who are wondering, what they can do using this function, we have a whole list of use case scenarios. Besides checking and replying to emails, users can make presentations as well as deliver them. Some other use case scenarios of continuum dock are- typing lengthy documents, writing an eBook etc. Users can also browse internet and do blog posting using this mode.

With continuum dock connected to Lumia 950 XL, you will not have to carry your heavy laptop everywhere you go. You can do almost every work with a Lumia 950 XL, that you do on a PC. While it allows users to do general productivity tasks such as replying to emails, creating office documents and more, it may not be very useful in heavy tasks like video editing, creating heavy graphics and heavy computing data.


The Lumia Lumia 950 XL has got stunning looks, top-notch features and at the same time, it offers commendable PC like experience to the users with Continuum feature. It certainly has Portability of a Phone with Productivity of a PC. It is a privilege for working professionals allowing them to do all their productivity work with ease without needing to carry their heavy laptops.

Buy Microsoft Lumia 950 XL from here: 

Microsoft Lumia 950 XL Productivity Features Video

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